Saturday, February 17, 2007


where the hell did this actually come from? this was a question that
popped into my bored mind today while chatting. All of you must have seen this
or used this phrase in your chat conversations before. I just thought I
will google this phrase just for fun and see what happens.
According to the it originated from S.Korea. Koreans use it
as an expression of humour while they play StarCraft.


Anonymous said...

hehe...funny one...! There is someone i know who use it not only in chats...but he laughs that way !!!

Anonymous said...

dude, I was about to write about Urban Dictionary in my blog.. DAMN :-)

cool anyway. hehe.

autodynamix said...

typos- i wonder how that persons laugh will sound like. gotta hear that. kekeke

nass- i was the first haha. just kidding.

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